Captain Britain Makes A Splash In Our Preview Of Excalibur #21

The Hellfire Gala rolls on after a memorable first week, and it’s time for Excalibur to make an entrance. The problem? Rictor HATES parties. Tini Howard, Marcus To, and Erick Arciniega make their Hellfire debut in Excalibur #21, an issue that promises to “change Krakoan diplomacy forever.”

We have the preview of the issue hot from Marvel, and be sure to check out our Hellfire Gala coverage next week! Also, take a look at our coverage for the first week of the Hellfire Gala.

Cover of Excalibur #21
Excalibur #21 | Marvel | To, Arciniega
Rictor, Jubilee, Shogo, Gambit, Rogue, and Betsy all getting ready for the Gala
Excalibur #21 | Marvel | To, Arciniega
Excalibur making an entrance at the Hellfire Gala
Excalibur #21 | Marvel | To, Arciniega

Vishal Gullapalli is highly opinionated and reads way too much.