X-Men Red #18

X-Men Red #18 concludes the series with promise both met and unfulfilled

How would you describe a perfect day? Perfect —  like “good,” like “ok,” like “no good,” like “very bad” — is subjective: an appreciation based on a range of experiences. Perfect, reasonably, might look vastly different among different peoples.  And yet, so many different people hold on to the idea of objective perfection — the…

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None Of Us Fight Alone In X-Men Red #10

Storm vs Vulcan. It all comes down to this. Al Ewing, Stefano Caselli, Jacopo Camagni, Federico Blee and Ariana Maher deliver X-Men Red #10. Writing reviews of individual issues can sometimes feel like the writing equivalent of Groundhog Day: You’re praising (or parcing) the same things in every issue. Writers have their styles, their preferences…

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